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The 10 commandments of YOGA

Of course you all know that Jesus 🧔🏻‍♀️ spent a couple of years in India 👳🏻‍♂️ and got very inspired by the social and philosophical knowledge of the Indus Valley Civilization.

Well that's where he got his inspiration for the 10 commandments 😋

Patanjali wrote about the 5 principles of Social Rules (called Yams) and the 5 principles of Self Mastery (the Nyams) 200BC (in a less patronizing way of course).


  1. (Ahimsa) be fearless For Patanjali, violence comes from fear. So this rule implies do not harm, principle of non violence but also do not allow violence, rise above the fear.

  2. (Satya) tell the truth, do not lie Only a non violent person can speak truth. For Patanjali, the practice of truth has 3 Steps : investigation > appreciation > coherence (follow what you believe). Truth should always be sweet, soft and gentle. Truth is so big you cannot always understand it.

  3. (Asteya) do not steal do not take anything that is not honestly yours. This includes the 2 previous steps : ahimsa & satya. It also means : don’t escape from your responsibilities. Do not steal time or energy.

4. (Brahmacharya) do not surrender to temptations free yourself from cravings. As such overeating is violence. Gossip is violence (and stealing of reputation). Always go through the filters of the previous rules (truth, non violence and non stealing). Temptations are mostly linked to the mouth : food, speech but also money power sex etc. This is also why Marriage is considered the first step towards Brahmacharya : it is a religious institution that helps you regulate your cravings. Mind you, Patanjali understands cravings but suggests you go for the less harmful one. Be conscious.

We have an indian saying : You like Pizza ? Go for Chapati.

(just checking if you're still focused )

5. (Aparigrah) do not collect, be subject to greed

Consume, enjoy or give away. Too much creates civil war. This reminds us of the Feng Shui principle (see my article on Feng Shui) that we all have a certain amount of belongings in this life. More of that ruins your health, and not enough is equally bad for our energy level.

The 5 Niyams : SELF MASTERY

  1. (Shauch) practice personal cleaning “inside - out” mental and physical, observe and destroy the garbage collected. Practice introspection, observe your actions, thoughts, pattern. do not live in denyal.

  2. (Santosh) practice gratitude and contentment Ambition is ok as long it does not become an obsession.

  3. (Tapas) practice self discipline Tapas, or self-discipline, refers to your inner fire — both the literal heat you build in a vigorous YOGA practice and the inner fire of drive, passion, and courage. Go through the process of burning impurity and discover the Yogi within (like in Alchemy, getting to the purity of Gold through fire). This can be done by choice (getting out of our comfort: getting up early, eating less, fasting, cold showers etc) or without choice (problems of life are considered Tapas, challenges to face). Kundalini is a great tool and brings with it a beautiful life hygiene in that sense.

  4. (Swaadhyaaya) self study. Not excepting doubt in your life. going beyond belief, understanding. There are 3 levels in the learning process: education (gathering information), knowledge (understanding, questioning) and wisdom (applying, putting into practice, experiencing)

  5. (Ishwaar pranidhan) surrender to God also called Bhakti Yoga, experiencing unconditional love. Devote by Love. Love is expansion from I to All, connecting part of me in you. Refine your relationship to the creative principle (G -Genitor - O - organisor - D - destroyer) the 3 founding principles of Hindu philosophy : Brahm Vishnu Shiv. This is what we do in Mantra chanting, in Kundalini, we dive into the eternal bliss.

Mantras such as "Guru Guru Wahe Guru, Guru Ram Das Guru"

It is a lot to intake at first and it goes deep into the roots of our everyday lives : love life, eating principles, consumption principles, buying, making business, etc

These principles give us an intelligent lign of behaviour for our everyday lives.

And they are the grounding principles followed by yogis all over the world, as soon as they call themselves such. It’s like a trademark for the practice of YOGA (if you decide to call it so).

We're all on the same path, trying to be better (lighter) humans and liberate ourselves from too much attachement off the 3D (material world) elevate ourselves towards the more subtle divine realms (as described in Ayurveda). Ultimately, find a balance between heaven and earth.

Mother Earth & Divine Father.

Life & Death

Masculine & Feminine



be your truth


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